Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Introduction To Photoshop Part 1 Formation of a Digital Image

1.1 Formation of a Digital Image

1.1.1 Image

An image or picture is something which is formed with combining or arranging colors on any surface e.g. paintings, photographs etc Refer to Figure 1.1

Figure1.1 Painting and Photographs

But when an image is seen on a digital screen it is referred as a digital image Refer to figure1.2.
Figure 1.2 Digital Image

1.1.2 Pixel

A wall is build up by arranging many bricks similarly when a digital image is zoomed up it can be seen that the i,age is made up by arranging small colored blocks Refer to Figure1.3.
Figure1.3 Pixel
credit- internet

Each individual block is termed as a pixel. Pixel is also termed as PEL i.e Picture element. So it can be said that pixels are the building blocks of a Digital Image.

1.1.3 Resolution

Total number of horuzontal pixels with respect to total number of vertical pixels in an area of one square inch is termed as an Image Resolution.
Resolution is always represented in AxB form i.e. 800x600.

1.1.4 Aspect Ratio

The ratio between length and width of any image or screen is known ad aspect ratio. Aspect ratio is always represented in A:B form. e.g.4:3, 16:9 .
4:3    Mostly used in old CRT TV sets
16:9  Mostly used in new generation monitors and TV sets

1.1.4 Pixel Aspect Ratio

The ratio between the length and width of a single pixel is knows as pixel Aspect Ratio. A digital image will have all the pixels with same aspect ratio.