Monday, October 8, 2018

Working with Brushes Part 2 Brush Palette Window

4.3 Brush Palette Window

While working with brushes it is important to understand how to customized the brush stores. To access the Brush Preset menu press F5 on the keyboard this menu would help to customize brush strokes . Refer to Figure 4.5.

Figure 4.5 Brush Palette Window

4.3.1 Brush Presets

Clicking on this button opens up a new window where all the brushes are available with their pre defined settings. Brush can be selected from here and used to apply strokes. From this window only the brush size can be controlled. The shortcut to increase or decrease a brush size is ''['' and '']'' button on the keyboard Refer to Figure 4.6.
Figure 4.6 Brush Preset 

4.3.2 Brush tip Shape

This option controls the behaviour of the brush tip and appearance Refer to Figure 4.7 .
Figure 4.7 Brush Tip Shape 
Controls the size of the brush tip Refer to Figure 4.8 .
Figure 4.8 Brush Diameter Variations

Flip X and Flip Y
Flips the brush tip horizontally or vertically Refer to Figure 4.9.

Figure 4.9 Flip X and Y 
Rotates the brush tips Refer to Figure 4.10.
Figure 4.10 Brush angle rotation
Squeeze the brush tip shape Refer to Figure 4.11.

Figure 4.11 Roundness Varitions

It controls the feathering on brush edges. This frature works only with round brushes Refer to Figure 4.12.

Figure 4.12 Hardness Variations
It controls the distance between individuals brush marks Refer to Figure 4.13.

Figure 4.13 Spacing

4.3.4 Shape Dynamics

It creates variations in brush mark in a stroke Refer to Figure 4.14
 Figure 4.14 Shape Dynamics
Shape jitter
Creates a variation in diameter between brush marks Refer to Figure 4.15.

Figure 4.15 Shape Jitter  stroke
Minimum Diameter
The minimum diameter of brush mark during size jitter.

Angle jitter
Variations in angle between brush marks Refer to Figure4.16.

Figure4.16 Angle Result jitter
Roundness jitter
Variation in roundness between brush marks. 

4.3.5 Scattering 

This creates randomness in position and number of brush marks in a stroke Refer to Figure 4.19.
Figure 4.19 Scattering

The position of each brush mark is ranomized if value is increased Refer to Figure 4.20.

Figure 4.20 Scatter
Both Axis
This option is enabled to scatter the brush stroke in both the dimension.

This specifies number of brush marks applied at each spacing level.

Count jitter
It specifies how the number of brush marks varies at each spacing level.

4.3.6 Texture

This helps to create pattern inside the brush stroke. The pattern is selected through the thumbnail Refer to Figure 4.23.

Figure 4.23 Texture
Pattern sample- Click the thumbnail and select from available patterns.
Invert- Inverts the high and low point in the pattern based on tones.
Scale- Specifies the size of patterns in the stroke
Texture each Tip- Applies pattern to each brush mark.
Mode- Blending mode between nrush and pattern
Depth- Specifies how deeply the paint penetrates into the textures.
Minimum Depth- The minimum depth to which the paint can penetrate.
Depth jitter- Variation in depth valur with each brush mark.

4.3.7 Dual Brush 

This creates a stroke with two brushes. The second brush stroke is applied within the area of the primary brush Refer to Figure 4.24.
Figure 4.24 Dual Brush
Foreground/Background jitter
It specifies how color varies between foreground and background color Refer to Figure 4.26.

Figure 4.26 Foreground/Background jitter result
Hue Jitter
Creates variation in the hue of the brush mark color Refer to Figure 4.27

Figure 4.27 Hue jitter result
Saturation Jitter
Controls variation in the saturation of the brush mark color.

Brightness Jitter
Defines variation in the brightness of the stroke .

It increases or decreases the saturation of color.

4.3.8 Transfer

Transfer gives you control over Opacity, Flow and Wetness jitter on brush stroke Refer to Figure 4.28.
Figure 4.28 Transfer
Opacity jitter
Creates variation in the opacity of brush marks.

Flow jitter
Creates variation in the flow of brush marks.


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