Friday, October 5, 2018

Working with Brushes Part 1 Creating a brush Stroke and Brush Attributes

4.1 Creating a brush Stroke

4.1.1 When a painter has to paint a canvas with colors he would need a brush, similarly in Photoshop to apply manual strokes on the canvas the brush tool (shortcut B) is required Refer to Figure 4.1.
Figure 4.1 Brush Tool
4.1.2 After selecting the brush tool click and drag on the canvas or image to create a stroke. Hold shift button while dragging to create a straight line Refer to Figure4.2.

4.2 Brush Attributes

All the attributes for the brush tools are available below the menu bar Refer to Figure 4.3.

Figure 4.3 Brush Attributes

4.2.1 Opacity attributes

It contains the transparency of the brush stroke overall. It means 100% opacity value blocking anything below the area which we are painting. 1% opacity the brush color is transparent and making the brush color invisible. Transparency completely depends on opacity value between 0% to 100%.  Figure4.4.
Figure4.4. Brush opacity variations

4.2.2 Flow attribute

It control the opacity of each individual brush stroke tip it means brush tips overlap creating more opaque area.


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