Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Typography and Film Poster Part 4 Film Poster with Name

3.4 Creating a Film Poster With Name

Film poster is very impotant tool for promotion of film. Many of times it gives you basic idea of film. They generally include an image with text. The text on film posters usually contains the film title in large lettering and often the names of the main actors. It may also include a tag line, the name of the director, names of characters, the release data,etc. Today scenario, film posters are used in various places such as inside & outside of theatre, DVD & Blue ray disc, Press release, Web marketing, etc.

In this example, we would create a film poster for horror film with film text and other information.

3.4.1 Create new canvas with A4 international paper with 300 dpi resolution because we need to print for various promotional materials.
3.4.2 Create New layer using Layer menu→New→Layer or use Ctrl + Shift + N shortcut.
3.4.3 Fill Black color using Paint Bucket tool or G command.
3.4.4 Now drag n drop background image into existing canvas Refer to Figure 3.29.
Figure 3.29 Base image
3.4.5 Press T on your keyboard and start typing of Author, Cinematography, Editor, Costume Designer, Producer, Co Producer, Association Producer and Director Name on Canvas with suitable fonts for this example the font used is 'Alien League' Refer to Figure 3.30.

Figure 3.30. Credit list
3.4.6 If you notice that all names merge with designation and are not visible properly nor highlighted. So select and reduce font size .

3.4.7 Add website address and release date of movie below credit list. Highlight release date with red color so peope can identify easily using the Text color option in text toolbar Refer to Figure 3.32
Figure 3.32 Add Release Date
3.4.8 Using similar technique add 'BASED ON TRUE STORY'  with red color and place above credit list title with desire size as the audience could have more interest on actual facts than friction Refer to Figure 3.33.
Figure 3.33. based on true story
3.4.9 Now add tag line above ''Don't dare to stay'' with white color and choose Trajan Pro font Refer to Figure 3.34.
Figure 3.34 Add tag line
3.4.10 Now add image of dts logo which represent quality of sound, restricted age group, whereas avid logo represent high-end film editing technology with desire size. Majir of these points are already laid down by the advertising agency Refer to Figure 3.35.
Figure 3.35 Add logos
3.4.11 If you notice that film name is missing in the image and we would add as per the movie theme which in this case is horror. Using text tool type film name and choose red color for haunder word and set position above the image . The font is used is 'Black Asylum' which is complements the concept of the film. Rest of the words are in white to balance the final look Refer to Figure 3.36.
Figure 3.35 Final Output


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