Monday, October 1, 2018

Introduction to photoshop Part 3 Overview of Photoshop and New Canvas Settings

1.3 Overview of Photoshop

Photoshop is an application which is widely used in all the fields sich as print, movies, commercials etc. hotoshop can be used in designing templates, creating logos, typography,, photo manipulation, color correction in digital images etc and many more.
Let's see in the next section how to create a workspace in photoshop.

1.4 New Canva Settings

When a painter starts painting he needs a canvas, similarly to start a project in photoshop an atish would need some workspace to work upon/
To create a new workspace in photoshop go to Menu→File→(Shortcut Ctrl + N) and new workspace setting box appears Refe to Fig1.9.
Fig 1.9 New Workspace Setting

1.4.1 Name

To assign name to the canvas before creating.

1.4.2 Preset

To select some predefined settings, options can be directly selected from the dropdown list according to the requirements.

1.4.3 Width & height

To assign dimension for the new canvas.

1.4.4 Resolution

To Assign Resolution for the canvas, higher the resolution, better is resolution, better is the quality.

1.4.5 Color mode

Determines which color method is used to display and print the image. RGB mode is used if the final output has to be displayed on a digital screen Refer to figure1.10.
Figure1.10 Color Modes
BITMAP- This mode uses only two colors, black and white to represent the pixel in an image.

GRAYSCALE- This mode uses different shades of grey in an image. The range of gray varies from black to white.

RGB Color- This mode uses the RGB color model to represent color in a pixel. For each color Red, Green and Blue the value ranges from 0(black) to 255(white) and the final color is formed by combining all these three colors. When the final output has to be prepared for a digital screen or a digital display device this mode is chosen as it displays a wide range of colors(0 to 255).

CMYK Color- This mode is used when the workhas to be done for pronting purpose. CMYK stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black. As the printing work is done with a printer and it contains the catridge having the colors CMYK, this is why this mode is selected.

Lab Color- This mode is basec on the human preception of color. This mode is used to transform colors fromone space to other. This mode is device independent. Lab has a lightness component ''L'',  the ''a'' component (green-red) and the ''b'' component (blue-yellow).


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