Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Typography and Film Poster (artistic color wheel) Part 1 Intro to Typography

3.1 Intro to Typography

What is Typography?

Typography is the art and method of arranging type in order to make words visible. The arrangement of type involves the collection of typefaces, point size, line length, leading (line spacing), adjusting the spaces betweeb sets of letters (tracking) and adjusting the gap between pairs of letters(kerning). Typography is the art  and techniqueof arranging type based on the below points.

3.1.1 Typefaces

In typography, a typeface is a set of one or many fonts each created as an element of writing that share common design features. Typeface is also commonly knows as font family Refer to Figure 3.1
Fig 3.1 Example of different typeface.

 3.1.2 Typeface Anatomy

It decribes the graphic essentials that make up written letters in a typoface. Typeface anatomy basically revolves around the strokes of a letter that are the lines that make it up. Strokes may be straight, as in k l v w x z, or rounded, as in c o s. If straight, they may be horizontal, vertical, or digonal and if they are rounded it may be open or closed Refer to figure 3.2
Figure 3.2 Typface Anatomy

3.1.3 Style of Typefaces

  • Roman Typeface
  • Serif Typefaces
  • Script Typefaces
  • Ornamental typeface
  • Minicry Type Face
  • Black Letter Typeface
  • Monospaced Typefaces
  • Symbol Typespaces

3.1.4 Point Size

Generally the point size is overall height of a font as seen on a screen or printedon a page. A font is usually measured in a point (pt) size, which is the vertical measurement of the inscription Refer to Figure 3.12
Figure 3.12  point size

3.1.5 Line Length

The number of words or characters present in a single line is termed as a line length. Overall width where these series of line present is termed as column width. Both the line length and column width are closely related in typography .

3.1.6 Leading (line spacing)

Fordigital or print media the space between the lines play a major role in the legiability. This distance between two lines is termed as leading. For the web the distance between lines is called line-height Figure 3.13
Figure 3.13 Leading

3.1.7 Tracking (Adjusting the space between groups of letters)

Tracking is the spacing between the characters in a line of text. It works on the similar lines to leading, but it works with characters in the line instead if the line itself. Tracking is a great way to create a sense of balance of several lines of text without losing a preferred font size.

Figure 3.14 Tracking

3.1.8 Kerning (Adjusting the Space Between Pairs of letters)

Kerning is similar to tracking but it only adjusts the space between specific sets of letters.

Figure 3.16

3.1.9 Measures

Typefaces can be measured in two ways- height and width. Height basically means the vertical height of the type and the width basically means the horizontal height of the type.

Heiracy and Scale

Contrast defines hierarchy, creates emphasis, suggests the relationship and relative importance of content, and can control how quickly text is read Refer to Figure 3.17.
Typography Scale


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