Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Working with Selection Tools and Layers Part 2 Working with Layers and Transform Tool

2.5 Working with LAYERS

In our daily life we have objects which consists of layers like onion, cabbage, sandwich, ironed clothes, etc. When the objects are arranged in a stach it gets into layer format and it becomes easy to manage them Refer to Figure2.16

Figure 2.16 Layers Example

Example of Layers
Similarly we have layers in the photohop by which we can arrenge and manage all the operations in an easy way.

2.5.1 After creating canvas, click on the new layer button or go to menu→Layer→New→Layer (Ctrl+Shift+N) to create a new layer. A single canvas can have multiple layers in it Refer to Fig2.17.

Figure-2.17  Create New Layer

2.5.2 Creating teo new layers. Select rectangular marquee tool and drag a rectangle selection. Fill two different colors in each layer. Using the move tool, the layer content can be moved. Now one rectangle is above other. The order of these layers can be swapped in layer palette by dragging them from up to down or down to up Refer to Figure 2.18. 
Figure 2.18 Layer Stack

2.6 Transform Tool

This tool gives you flexibility to Rotate, Scale, and Skew of any selected elemets. To get transformed box go to Edit→Free Transform or in Move tool parameter select Show Transform Controls option.
Fig 2.19 Transform Controls
Right click option on Transform Controls

  • Scale- Uniform scale- Press Shift and dran any corner control points of the Transform controls
         Non Uniform Scale- Drag any control points of the transform controls
  • Rotate- It will help you to rotate any selected elements
  • Skew- It will help you to move control points in + manner
  • Distort- It will help you to distort an image from any corner control points
  • Prespective- It is the same as distort but corner control points mive in opposite direction
  • Warp- It will help you to create pixel distortion
  • Rotate 180 Degree- It is same as rotate but it will give you direct snap to 180 degree
  • Rotate 90 Degree CW- It is same as rotate but it will give you direct snap to 90 degree in clock wise direction.
  • Rotate 90 Degree CCW- It is same as rotate but it will give you direct snap to 90 degree in counter clock wise direction.
  • Flip Horizontal- It will help you to mirror selected elements in horizontal.
  • Flip Vertical- It will help you to mirror selected elements in Vertical.


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